Here’s What You Can Expect at Your Child’s Emergency Dental Visit

March 24, 2023

A chipped, cracked, avulsed, or seriously decayed tooth can be an anxiety-inducing experience for you and your little one! Oftentimes, knowing what to expect in situations like these can make them significantly less stressful. With this in mind, keep reading to learn three essential steps that your pediatric dentist will take during your child’s emergency dental visit.

Step #1: The Exam

Once you and your child arrive, you’ll both be escorted to the treatment room, which is where their dentist will meet you. After asking a few questions to learn more about the situation and assuring your child that they are only there to help, they will quickly and skillfully examine their teeth and gums. Once they’ve pinpointed the root of the problem, they will recommend the next best steps before working to restore your child’s pain-free smile.

Step #2: Pain Relief

If your child is in pain, then one of the top priorities is to alleviate their discomfort. Fortunately, numbing agents today are not only incredibly effective; they are also fast-acting. Solutions like nitrous oxide are easy to administer, safe for children, and only take a few minutes to set in.

Step #3: A Temporary Fix or Permanent Solution

If the remedy to your child’s dental injury is simple, like an extraction or pulp therapy, then it’s likely that their entire treatment can be completed in a single visit. However, if the care they need is more extensive, like caring for an avulsed permanent tooth, their treatment plan may be spaced out over several appointments. If that’s the case, your child’s pediatric dentist will provide you with specific instructions on how to protect the tooth from further damage and alleviate any discomfort that arises until it’s fully treated.

Bonus: 5 Ways to Help Prevent Dental Emergencies Moving Forward

After experiencing a stressful dental emergency, it’s natural to want to avoid another one however you can. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to help protect your child’s smile throughout the years, including:

  • Scheduling a dental checkup and cleaning for them every six months
  • Making sure they brush and floss consistently
  • Giving them a mouthguard to wear during sports practices and games
  • Helping them quit bad dental habits, like chewing on ice
  • Encouraging them to eat vitamin-rich foods, like fruits and vegetables

Emergency dental visits can be stressful, but it’s important to remember that they all are centered around one thing: restoring your child’s healthy, pain-free smile as quickly and effectively as possible!

About the Practice

Smiles U is home to Dr. Adam, Dr. Danna, and Dr. Jim, all board-certified pediatric dentists, who are passionate about helping growing smiles thrive. In fact, they are so dedicated that they remain on call to provide assistance 24 hours a day, seven days a week. So, if your child is in need of emergency dental care or you simply have a question about how to maintain their healthy, happy smile, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us via our website or by phone at (512) 321-5437.