Smiles University Pediatric Dentistry blog

Summer Smiles: 3 Fun Ways to Keep Your Child’s Teeth Healthy During Summer Vacation

June 5, 2024

family at the beach

Summer break is here, bringing with it endless possibilities for fun and adventure! As your child eagerly anticipates pool parties, beach trips, and park playdates, it’s the perfect time to reinforce good dental habits. Let’s explore three enjoyable ways to maintain your child’s beautiful smile throughout the summer months.


Teething Solutions: Safe and Effective Ways to Comfort Your Baby

May 8, 2024

baby chewing on teething ring

Teething is a natural and important milestone in your baby’s development, but it can sometimes be challenging for both babies and parents. As your little one’s first teeth emerge, you may be looking for safe and effective ways to soothe their discomfort. Let’s explore various options, including teething rings, to help you navigate this stage with confidence.


5 Essential Facts About Children’s Dental Health Every Parent Should Know

March 6, 2024

picture of a smiling child

Parenting comes with its share of uncertainties, especially when it comes to understanding and caring for your child’s dental health. From teething to tooth decay, navigating the journey of your child’s smile development can be daunting. To empower parents with essential knowledge, here are five crucial facts about children’s dental health that every parent should know.


Understanding and Preparing for Your Child’s Tooth Extraction

February 15, 2024

child preparing for tooth extraction

As a parent, you want the best for your child’s health, including their dental well-being. Sometimes, a dentist may recommend a tooth extraction for your child. While this might sound concerning at first, rest assured that this procedure is often a crucial step in maintaining your child’s overall oral health. Let’s explore why tooth extractions may be necessary and how you can help your child have a positive experience.


4 Tips for Helping Your Child to Brush Correctly

December 5, 2023

a parent and child brushing their teeth

Good oral health starts at an early age—and one challenge that many parents face is ensuring that their children are starting on the right foot, or in this case, tooth, when it comes to their brushing habits! But the sooner your child is able to learn how to care for their pearly whites, the sooner you’ll have the peace of mind of knowing they’re working towards a bright and happy future smile. Continue reading below for a few must-know tips from your pediatric dentist that will help you out.


3 Smile-Friendly Stocking Stuffers for Your Child

November 28, 2023

Close-up of stockings hung above the fireplace

Christmas is once again approaching, which means it’s time to start thinking of stocking stuffers for your child. Candy is always a popular option, but of course, it can be less than ideal for your little one’s oral health. Luckily, there are plenty of smile-friendly gifts that are worth considering. Below are three stocking stuffer ideas for your child that their pediatric dentist would approve of.


Keep Your Child’s Smile Safe with this Halloween Sweets Guide

October 30, 2023

tipped over Halloween bucket

For some parents, a big concern regarding Halloween is worrying that their child will get cavities because of all the candy their little ghoul or goblin will eat after a fruitful night of trick-or-treating. Fortunately, this quick guide will cover which items your child should enjoy and avoid. It will allow them to have fun, stay safe, and let you breathe easy at the same time.    


3 Answers to Common Dental Sealant Questions

August 31, 2023

A dentist offering answers to common dental sealant questions

At your child’s last checkup, the dentist may have suggested dental sealants. If so, it’d be best to get them – the coatings will further protect your kiddo’s pearly whites. Still, you likely have some dental sealant questions you want to address first. Getting the answers to them would boost your confidence in treatment. Luckily, Smiles University Pediatric Dentistry can help with this task. Here are the answers to three popular sealant questions from a Bastrop dentist.


Here’s What You Can Expect at Your Child’s Emergency Dental Visit

March 24, 2023

A chipped, cracked, avulsed, or seriously decayed tooth can be an anxiety-inducing experience for you and your little one! Oftentimes, knowing what to expect in situations like these can make them significantly less stressful. With this in mind, keep reading to learn three essential steps that your pediatric dentist will take during your child’s emergency dental visit.
